PDF Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival Max Velocity 9781478106692 Books

By Katelyn Bass on Wednesday, May 29, 2019

PDF Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival Max Velocity 9781478106692 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 600 pages
  • Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 2nd Revised & enlarged edition (July 1, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1478106697

Contact! A Tactical Manual for Post Collapse Survival Max Velocity 9781478106692 Books Reviews

  • This and john mosby's reluctant partisan are the best on the subject .and a distant third would be "a failure of civility" and fm 7-8 ....but max velocity's book really shines not just due to the info in his book but due to the fact that his forum will answer all your questions and very quickly . Max Velocity also seems very calm ,cool and prossional and not full of himself like alot of other instructors in the firearm training world ,definatly buy this book and mosbys but be warned about mosby ,hes not as calm or well spoken as Max Velocity,hes more of a in your face ,yelling ,cussing type dude...which i love but alot of people dont.....and ignore ar15.com only negative thing ive ever read about MVT and it was them questioning saftey when theyve never seen a class of his and none of the critics there even gave a good case ,i got a real"civilians shouldnt learn this stuff "feel .Honestly ive asked three diffrent people with credible experience to look at the book and give me an opinion an and thry all ended up buying it .....buy it ....practice....and listen to MVT or John Mosbys camp when they speak...not some cops over the internet who dont think we are worthy of being prepared......sorry for the long review and rant ...guess i couldve just said buy this book
  • This is a excellent book on basic tactics and survival concepts involving defensive and offensive light infantry operations that someone may encounter during a SHTF/TEOTWAWKI event. There is excellent advice on equipment, weapons, optics, combat first aid, tactics, battle drills, and the necessary level of physical fitness required to conduct light infantry operations at the fire team and squad level. As someone who spent almost 25 years on active duty in the US Army in light infantry units I thought this book would be an interesting read since professional soldiers are always expanding their knowledge base on military history, battles, tactics and the teachings of other experts in the field. For anyone with extensive light infantry experience this book will be a good refresher of basic concepts. For someone who has never served in a Light Infantry unit or been involved with the 75th Ranger Regiment, Special Forces, Navy SEALs, or the Marines (all Marines are Infantry Riflemen first) the information is this book could mean the difference between life and death when the SHTF/TEOTWAWKI. Having said that, you can't just take the information and expect to become a expert and survive--you must learn the concepts, extensively practice the battle drills until they are second nature and ensure you are in good enough physical condition to actually perform infantry operations. Failure to do this means the bad guys or someone like me who is desperate enough to survive will have all your stuff when the SHTF. Buy the book!
  • A compilation of numerous blog articles, questions and responses. Some original material too, especially to help make the whole work flow, as it is a little disjointed at times. It sometimes goes off on some bunny trails. However, this is great information presented by an authority who is willing to share what will work for real world situations rather than rehashing modern military, LEO and tactical BS. There is no discounting of the general citizen's interest in the subject matter, but even veterans will find information on adapting military training to the different conditions expected in civil unrest. A good read, and a good primer before attending the promoted training classes.
  • It seems we are bombarded with "DOOM-PORN" at every turn. Both TV and the theaters seem obsessed with one apocalypse survival scenario or another. Throw in the popular war games, and you have an American society that sees themselves as either "Super-Survivor," or "Uber-Rambo."

    This book is an amazing work for several reasons, not the least of which is a reality check.
    It WILL NOT make a hero or super-survivor out of anyone; but it might save your life and the lives of those you love. It WILL make you think in real, down to earth, and practical terms.

    A very quick example of a down to earth reality check
    How many of you Walking Dead fans fancy yourselves as a Rick Grimes type leader/hero? (Come on, get those honest hands up where we can see 'em) Well, Mr. / Mrs. "Hero," just how many hours a week do you spend getting and staying in shape? If the SHTF for real, you'll need to be able to run, dig, and fight without a pesky heart attack slowing you down.

    Here's another
    How many of you keyboard commandos have actually gotten away from the keyboard and got to the range, or out to the woods for actual weapons drills?

    My point is this many of us have pre-SHTF ideas of what a collapse will look like, and what's worse, we have assumptions about how we will be able to deal with it. Many people in America simply assume that they'll "make it somehow," without even thinking of what they can realistically do, and NEED to be doing NOW to assess and prepare. Age, weight, and physical condition is just one factor to consider. There are literally hundreds of others that need to be considered. Max Velocity has distilled years of practical military experiences into one well organized manual to help you begin that consideration process, and begin it on the right footing, and with the right frame of mind. Using this manual you can begin making realistic decisions (BEFORE THE SHTF) as to what your actual capabilities are and where you can realistically improve the odds of actually surviving a collapse or disaster.

    It's obvious that he loves our country and her people, otherwise he would have simply written a superficial reference guide to being "tacti-cool," and not tactical. One gets people hurt or killed, the other saves lives. I, for one, appreciate this most exceptional effort, and thank God he's on our side of the Constitution!

    Best investment for the person that's serious about surviving when the SHTF! I highly recommend you get the hard copy. Just saying.

    PS Wish he'd get his next fiction book out.