Read Online Deep State Target How I Got Caught in the Crosshairs of the Plot to Bring Down President Trump edition by George Papadopolous Politics Social Sciences eBooks

By Katelyn Bass on Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Read Online Deep State Target How I Got Caught in the Crosshairs of the Plot to Bring Down President Trump edition by George Papadopolous Politics Social Sciences eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 1083 KB
  • Print Length 288 pages
  • Publisher Diversion Books (March 26, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 26, 2019
  • Language English

Deep State Target How I Got Caught in the Crosshairs of the Plot to Bring Down President Trump edition by George Papadopolous Politics Social Sciences eBooks Reviews

  • Just downloaded and finished in one sitting.
    Good read! If you want to know the truth on how the Mueller Special Counsel wielded the full power of a corrupt US Intelligence machine to try and illegally remove President Trump from office, read this book. George Papadopoulos was clearly framed by nefarious characters hell bent on shoving a false hoax on the American people. The names of who should now be counter investigated are all exposed by name in this book! It's time to go after the snakes in our midst! And Stefan Halper, aka the fat (walrus)! Seriously FBI? They act all "we can't reveal the informants name for National Security reason" . Come on! He was already caught spying for George HW Bush's campaign in 1980 to spy on Jimmy Carter's foreign policy. Can't they even find an unknown "informant" that's not 74 years old and two steps from a heart attack! He already got caught once spying in American elections while under the services of the CIA! Nice job FBI/CIA. Gives this American lots of faith in protecting our Country.... It's only expected that the news coming out today is that HW Bush voted for Hillary Clinton before he died and Barbara blamed her heart attack on Trump! Go figure. They're all in cahoots!
    How about Alexander Downer? Has direct ties to the Clinton Foundation through millions in donations. How about you elite Australians get out and talk to the Aborigines in your own country and stay out of American politics! Looks like Australian leadership is ignoring the hard workers in Australia just like our elite ignore the hard workers in middle America who are paying the elite fat cats in Washington to ridicule them!
    All I have to say to our grand US intelligence system, FBI/DOJ/CIA is go back and pick up a book on Spycraft for Dummies. Start from the beginning! And I'm not talking about low and middle seniority agents in those organizations! I'm sure there are ethical, hard working smart people as the worker bees in those organizations. I'm talking about the top level, tainted leadership! My advice is to move on and let those not corrupted by power DO THEIR JOBS! Top level brass in these organizations have already shown themselves to the common man that they CAN be bought to the point of jeopardizing our National Security. To me, that's a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the United States!
    Who should be of extreme interest to everyone now is the true motives and connections of the mysterious Joseph Misfud! As of now, he has "disappeared" with no knowledge of his whereabouts. I contend someone knows where he is and what his alias is. And I'll wager connections within the Clinton Foundation know exactly where he is hiding! Wouldn't surprise me that he's hiding in Hillary's basement where her servers used to sit! He is no more a Russian spy than my cat is Peter the Great!
    The Ukraine is the true collusion! Ukraine colluded with the DNC along with Trump hating sources on British, Australian, Israeli, Ukranian, Turkish and God knows how many other intellegence agencies to attempt a Clinton win and they got stomped by middle America!
    If Misfud is a Russian spy, then why has he worked with CNNs "Freedom Project" and the FBI and CIA are silent about this??? He in fact is a deep state CIA operative! It will all come out eventually.

    A personal observation; I believe in my heart George is a man of true integrity. I believe he is the Patsy in this grand scheme. The man is very trusting to the point of being too trusting, or dare I say, very naive. That does not make him evil. Quite the contrary!

    Always follow the money! Money and sex are the currencies of power and always have been.

    BTW, I just deleted my Facebook account too. Does that mean I should spend 25 years in a federal penitentiary for obstruction of justice? I didn't even get approval from a lawyer! I just did it. I've had beautiful women, some wearing no clothes send me friend requests claiming to be from Countries all over the World. Maybe they were Soviet honey pots! Who knows?
    For fun, just check out Fusion GPS's web page. I've never seen such a sorry example of a company that has been paid the millions of dollars they have been fronted to spy, (research) on American citizens for the purpose of destroying them. It looks like a 3rd grade could put together a more professional webpage! I say open their files FBI! Start digging there! They are covered in more dirt than those they searched for dirt on. And while you're at it, put a crack team on Crowdstrike. Even the FBI was not allowed by the DNC to investigate their so called server hack. The DNC basically said "no thanks FBI, we got Crowdstrike looking into it" Hiding something, DNC?
  • If you want to really get mad at The deep state deception in trying to create a Russian conspiracy in the Trump campaign, read this book.
  • This book reads like a spy novel, but it isn’t a novel! The set-up is positively frightening. Who thought this scheme up? The Deep State devised a plan to use this man to prove Trump colluded with Russia. They took pictures, recorded him and tried to get him to say things. It takes place all over the world in luxury hotels with beautiful spies. I tell you, this should be a darned movie. Read it. Then be angry. The Mueller Investigation was BS from the start.
  • George Papadopoulos had a good idea - but it challenged the Obama Administration’s status quo re Turkey. This attracted the attention of (and even angered) people who reside in corners of the swamp that I previously did not know existed.

    George’s insights didn’t offend everyone. He impressed people on then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign and was invited aboard. Once Papadopoulos became a Trump advisor, the Deep State put a target on his back. This is his eye-opening first-hand account. Recommend.
  • I preordered this book and just received it 3 hours ago and haven't put it down! I recommend it to everyone, even the sceptics!
  • Every American should read!! The shocking, terrifying truth, of how our intelligent agencies have been weaponized for political and personal gain. I coundn't put it down. Thank you George for sharing this experience and let's all pray that those responsible will be held accountable.
  • A truly fascinating book! The deep state thugs have finally been exposed. Let the games begin, everyone involved in the great scandal in American history must pay.
  • Step back for a second and think about what Russiagate means. For the first time in our history, a US president was set up and sabotaged by the entrenched bureaucracy and its opposition party. George Papadopolous was in the eye of the storm, and was set up by not only US intelligence, but also UK and Australian assets. "Deep State Target" is a compelling page turner, at once easy to read yet full of details like key people, their titles, their policy positions. "Papa D" lets his deep knowledge of policy shine throughout, and it's clear that Trump and co. posed a threat to upending the existing world order such that all the entrenched political interests decided his election was unacceptable. When the final pages are written on Russiagate, this book should serve as one of the lynchpins in condemning the malicious actors who sought to organize a coup.