Read Online Tragedy the Greeks and Us Simon Critchley 9781524747947 Books

By Katelyn Bass on Saturday, June 1, 2019

Read Online Tragedy the Greeks and Us Simon Critchley 9781524747947 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover 336 pages
  • Publisher Pantheon (April 16, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1524747947

Tragedy the Greeks and Us Simon Critchley 9781524747947 Books Reviews

  • Been listening to Professor Critchley's lectures on Tragedy online, which are brilliant. It was a pleasure to read his musings in a more paced, detailed form here. He roams around tragedy, and his logic moves, from one insight to the next--almost incapable of fully expressing all his excitement and what he has to say. Of course, what he has to say represents his education, which he's glad to share--so you will get references here to a reading list on Tragedy. Which may be an aspect of the tragedy of reading this book. The list grows...
    As a fan of his, and having read a good portion of his writing, I can say that may be his best work--but that's arguable. It's clear in any case, he's spent years developing his point of view on Tragedy, and because of that, there's a richness and potency here that is deep.
    This book is also very needed, because beyond being wise on tragic storytelling, it's fundamental thesis is true and so important for our world now.
    As a Professor myself, I will be thinking about what I learned here for some time. I will go back to it, and plan on using many questions he's raised in my Literature classes--starting perhaps with poor Oedipus.